Seminars / Workshops

For more than 15 years, I've been training small and medium sized groups of
people in various technical topics, typically in a full-day workshop format
that includes lecture, technical demontration, and sometimes hands-on
audience participation.  Topics have included basic computer and network
skills, security issues, system troubleshooting, and many more.  I can
conduct training or workshops in any area of expertise listed on this

It is not unusual for a technical overview to ignore the needs of an
important component of the audience - Directors and Supervisors.  When
appropriate, I am careful to address supervisory or effective purchasing

Another commonly overlooked area where additional training can be
beneficial is in an environment where some or all IT support is outsourced.
In such a case, a workshop focused on increasing the staff's ability to
communicate effectively with the outsourced agency can be dramatically

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