Public Access / Kiosk

What do people think of changes your organization has made?  One way to
find that answer is to conduct a survey.  A touchscreen computer kiosk is a
simple, passive way to collect valuable information about your business.
Data collection sites could include public areas, retail locations, tourist
attractions, waiting areas.  Touchscreen applications provide a friendly,
nontechnical way for people to answer questions with a simple finger press.
No keyboard or mouse means less space required, less maintenance, and more

If you are in the business of offering Internet access to visitors (for
example, a library or Internet cafe), then the construction of robust,
secure, accountable computer systems for public or paid access is crucial
for success.  Such computers must be protected from physical or software
tampering, and secured against network attack. 

Past client projects include custom Linux-based touchscreen kiosks used for
remote survey data collection, design of gaming workstations and Internet
cafe terminals, plus extensive experience with public access computers in

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